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Download your copy now ⚡️How Sharkdom’s account mapping differs from other PRM solutions
Sharkdom uses advanced cognitive AI algorithms to offer deeper insights into partner prospects, beyond traditional account mapping and populations, providing a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and market dynamics.
Book DemoVenkat Panigrahi
Sep 10, 2024
‘Account Mapping’ and ‘Populations’ are some common words used by our well-known PRM Competitors which depicts opportunities and overlaps between partners for better reaching out to their partner’s customers for mostly co-selling their product.
Mostly all the PRM platforms use this technique to narrow down the Market Segment for the companies with minimum input which trigger faster action but it does not give much idea about the general audience of the company, It gives a perspective with respect to your product.
This does not provide much Idea on the behavior of the customers.
To solve this problem, Sharkdom has used cognitive AI algorithms that provide better ideas on your upcoming Partner Prospect.
Get partnerships materials, case studies and our ongoing AI solution from CXPO's in driving revenue for your startups with partnerships.
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